Input = Output; The Danger of Censorship

"He is careful of what he reads, for that is what he will write. He is careful of what he learns, for that is what he will know."

— Annie Dillard

This is why censorship is so dangerous. This is why those who still trust the NYT, WaPo, CNN, NPR and MSNBC (and FOX on the right) believe so strongly in things that are demonstrably untrue (if only they would expand their range of reading).

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Jimmy Dore Offers a Real Version of the News

Jimmy Dore:

I have friends who still think the TV news is there to inform them & give them “news”. Americans are the most propagandized people on earth & they have no idea they are.

If the TV new actually did inform people about what is going on in the world & who actually runs things it would cause a revolution, which is why they never tell you the truth about anything important.

Their job is to manufacture consent for the agenda of Oligarchy & the handful of Billionaires who actually run things.

They’ve pushed EVERY war in my lifetime. EVERY WAR.

Can you imagine Anderson Cooper coming on TV and saying:

“The government is lying to you about this war, it’s complete bullshit just like Iraq & Vietnam, it’s built on lies to enrich a handful of people at the expense of everyone else, this is about money & power & stealing natural resources for western corporations & everyone should immediately oppose it”.

And STILL people turn to them for news & information as if they’ve turned over a new leaf & rejected their funding from weapons manufacturers, Wall st. & Oil companies.

We are living in a world that is a mixture of Orwell’s “1984” & Huxely’s “Brave New World” & it’s amazing how perfectly comfortable people are with that.

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Michael Shellenberger Discusses the Mind of the Censor

Michael Shellenberger discusses the mind of the censor with Glenn Loury:

I have come to the conclusion that not only is there something wrong legally and morally with people who want to censor their fellow citizens, there's also something wrong psychologically. Where the desire to discuss and debate is healthy, the desire to censor and silence betrays a kind of mental or even spiritual sickness.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but the moment requires it: if you want to censor people you hate, there's something wrong with you. You are suffering from a toxic mixture of entitlement, arrogance, and insecurity. Go on a long walk. Talk to an elder. Seek help.

We live in a free society. Get used to it. Talk back to the voice in your head telling you that you have the right to shut people up. If you're too insecure to engage in free and open debate, then you have no right to demand censorship.

Consider also these excerpts from Robert Corn-Revere's book: The Mind of the Censor and the Eye of the Beholder.

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The Expansive Mission of the CIA

Exposed by James O'Keefe

What are they intentionally not telling Joe Biden? What are they going to not tell the next president in order to steer their agenda?

The CIA is the same agency that, in conjunction with its corporate media lapdogs, (and see here) decided to swing the last presidential election by lying about the Hunter Biden laptop.

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