About Surviving Cancer

Caitlin Flanagan has been a cancer survivor for 20 years. She wrote the following in "I’LL TELL YOU THE SECRET OF CANCER: It’s been almost 20 years since my diagnosis, and I’ve learned quite a bit:

When I began to understand that attitude doesn’t have anything to do with survival, I felt myself coming up out of deep water. I didn’t cause my cancer by having a bad attitude, and I wasn’t going to cure it by having a good one. And then Coscarelli told me the whole truth about cancer. If you’re ready, I will tell it to you. Cancer occurs when a group of cells divide in rapid and abnormal ways. Treatments are successful if they interfere with that process. That’s it, that’s the whole equation.

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Mehdi Hasan: Set Aside Your Emotions and Understand Why the Prosecution of Julian Assange is an Attack on the First Amendment

MSNBC has often disappointed me over the years, but this commentary by Mehdi Hasan is excellent. There is a high principle at stake with regard to the prosecution of Julian Assange. Trump was wrong to bring the case and Biden is wrong to continue the prosecution. Obama’s DOJ was correct that there is no way to prosecute Assange without violating the First Amendment. As far as Assange’s allege hacking, Hasan correctly comments that the main witness to that claim has recanted, something not widely reported because it does not fit the narrative of most legacy news outlets. You might not like Assange, but that has nothing to do with the merits of his case. Numerous civil liberty organizations are horrified about the prosecution of Assange. If you support the prosecution merely because you think that Assange is “bad,” this is a good time to revisit the legal basis for your opinion.

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Matt Taibbi Discusses the Modern News Media: An Industry that Fuels Hate for Profit.

The Profitable Siloed-Audience Business Model of Modern "News." Matt Taibbi explains how we got to this point, based on his book, Hate, Inc.

They want to make sure that they can wind you up as much as they can—not just every day, but in the internet era, there's a commercial imperative now to do this every hour, every minute, really every second. It's a moment-to-moment competition and the only way to really compete is to keep riling people up as much as much as you can. They use that CRossfire formula of constant combat to attract audiences and to keep them and addict them to this experience and this can be very damaging to people's mental health, to say nothing of what it does to society.

As a parting thought, I want to leave you all with this idea to recognize that when you watch the news, most people think of this as a public service and in some cases it is. But you really have to understand that it's also a consumer product very much in the same way that blue jeans or cigarettes or twinkies are news products and there are properties that we use to sell our product in the same way that those other kinds of consumer businesses use to sell theirs and what we've learned is that division is the thing that sells most in this current era and you have to understand that just as cigarettes or twinkies can be bad for you the news can also be bad for you. It can be bad for your mental health. It can be addicting in the same way that those products are. So please understand that from our point of view, we've gone from being something that was a business more in the direction of being just about delivering information to being very consumer-oriented, in the current incarnation, and much more about audience and demographic targeting.

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