Tens of Thousands Currently Using GoFundMe to Raise Money to Cut off Their Breasts

Billboard Chris periodically checks out the number of girls trying to raise money to cut off their breasts. Here's his latest post on that topic, indicating that 42,000 girls are currently raising money for that purpose:

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Split Brain Patient is Half-Atheist

Fun Fact.

V.S. Ramachandran presented at the Beyond Belief Conference in 2006. He discussed an experiment where he asked the split-brain patient’s right hemisphere “Do you believe in God”? The right hemisphere pointed to the answer “no," while the left hemisphere pointed to “yes”.

Ramachandran then joked that after death the patient’s left hemisphere would go to heaven and his right hemisphere would go to hell.

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The Overton Window Closes at Indiana School District

An Indiana Public School K-12 District has announced penalties for micro-aggressions. These penalties include suspensions and expulsions for saying the word "guys" and asking people where they are from. Greg Lukianoff of FIRE discusses with Megyn Kelly.

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