The “war on terror” is a bad metaphor

According to this post by George Soros on Huffpo, four factors ensure that the alleged “war on terror” cannot be won. Calling the problem a “war” Invites killing innocent victims; It prevents the U.S. from differentiating among organizations that should be treated differently.  It overemphasizes the need for military action…

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The night of headless horrors

It was after dark.  I was walking to my hotel in a big intimidating city, Chicago.  Then I turned a corner and I saw them.  I was so horrified I almost retched.   I kept my composure, though, and called the police.

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While I waited, I forced myself to glance again.  All of those poor people had been decapitated.  Rigor mortis had set in, keeping them in their lifelike positions. Their skin was blanched.   But as I stood there, trembling, several young adults strolled by and they didn’t even look concerned. In fact, they were laughing . . . partying! Joking!  Such a grotesque insensitivity to the plight of others! Such an unseemly juxtaposition! But what was that over to the right?  I spun around and I saw even more victims.

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I shook as I took these photos, constantly looking over my shoulder in case the fiends who committed all of these murders might return to decapitate me.…

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6 out of 10 Iraqis approve of attacks on U.S. troops

In past months, President Bush has repeatedly touted the "good news" whenever the Iraqi people displayed their purple fingers with big smiles and exercised their right to vote.  Bush argued that we should trust in the voice of the Iraqi people. As far as I know, Mr. Bush hasn't acknowledged this…

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The Gardener of Eden

I know who Mrs. Cain was.  We don't talk about her or her family much, but things just wouldn't have been paradise without her or them. She was one of the many illegal immigrants in Paradise that did the actual work of tending the Garden of Eden--you know, the hoeing,…

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