You May Have It Cockeyed If…

Science cannot disprove the existence of god. I have heard this claim made so often and by such a broad spectrum of people that I rarely really think about it. But is that the end of it? Science is concerned with materialism ( in a philosophic sense) and does best…

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Humorous proofs for the existence of God

I know that many of you are philosophically running on empty.  You've already dabbled with all of the traditional so-called proofs for the existence of God.  You crave more proofs and it's got you down.  Well, cheer up!  I have the site for you! has 300 (did someone say 300?) "Over…

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Yet another flaw in the creationist argument

This excellent website describes yet another flaw in the creationist argument.  Creationists like to argue that evolution could not have created the enormous complexity we see today, because the odds are miniscule that all we see today could have happened by chance.  That's true.  However, it misstates the problem, because…

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The Bush Administration vs. terrorists…any similarities?

Here's a thought experiment that I think you will enjoy.  A while ago, I wrote a post about people who see in others what they desperately need to see in themselves.  The following is a practical application of that principle. Step 1:  Read the Bush Administration's "National Strategy for Combating Terrorism,"…

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If the aim of terrorists is to terrify, then why do Republicans help them do it?

I think we all know the answer to this question already, so I won't belabor the point, other then to refer you folks to this Cato report, which gives an excellent discussion about the risks of terrorism, and how they have been grossly inflated -- by politicians to garner our votes…

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