Happy Pi Day (and Einstein’s Birthday)

March 14th, (3/14), is International Pi day for a somewhat obvious reason. Visit this old site to hear Pi spoken in French (or many other languages) to hundreds of digits, plus links to much pi stuff. Here's the wiki for pi day. Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day 1879,…

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Conservapedia: Providing aid to the Obscurationists

I just found out about Conservapedia, an online service started to combat the educated, generally well-researched, illuminating, and therefore Left-wing, Liberal postings at Wikipedia. Read about what a Democrat really is, in a way that even Fox News wouldn't claim. Read about Evolution, which begins with the chapter "Lack of…

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NYT does Hatchet job on Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truths

As reported by Media Matters: New York Times science writer William J. Broad reported on criticism of former Vice President Al Gore's portrayal of the threat of global warming in the documentary An Inconvenient Truth by citing scientists who "argue that some of Mr. Gore's central points are exaggerated and…

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He was trying to save your life, stupid.

Former President George H.W. Bush, on his recent collapse from dehydration: Bush spoke about the incident that sent him to the hospital on Sunday, telling the audience that he became tired after playing golf in high temperatures. "The next thing I remember ... I fainted and I was on the…

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