Pope concludes that “evolution is not a complete, scientifically proven theory.”

I don't know why the Pope constantly gets such intense press coverage. I know he is the leader of a large church, but he most often speaks in platitudes, double-speak or with dark-ages insight.  Here's a good example--his recent muddled pronoucement on evolution.    According to the Associated Press, Pope Benedict…

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Many teens have pie-in-the-sky expectations regarding their financial future

This article in the Boston Globe  comments on a recent survey of teens regarding financial matters: American teens believe, based on the career that interests them the most, that when they get older they will be earning an average annual salary of $145,500. Interestingly, boys expect to earn an average…

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Pulitzer Prize winning writer Connie Schultz on the damage wrought by media consolidation

Connie is a well-informed writer who hits the nail right on the head while addressing the FCC. Just ignore the sync problem with the vido and listen to five-minutes of an experienced reporter who illustrates the problem succinctly and eloquently. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inw154j518c&eurl[/youtube]

Continue ReadingPulitzer Prize winning writer Connie Schultz on the damage wrought by media consolidation