Ron Paul speaking directly on Iraq and the economy

It's been interesting watching Ron Paul hammer the other candidates of both parties on the issues Iraq and our out-of-control deficit economy. The Republican elite and the corporate media have no idea of what to do with Paul--he just won't fall in line. Here are a couple examples of Ron…

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I don’t know

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."  Ludwig Wittgenstein We are suffering greatly because too many people are incapable of saying “I don’t know.”  Why can’t people simply say “I don’t know” when they don’t know?  Is it because so many of us were chastised in school when…

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Pope: Save the environment. Pope’s Critics: Then stop banning condoms.

This post is from Press Esc:   The Pope's calls to save the environment [were] met with dismay by critics who have repeatedly pointed out that the Vatican's ban on contraception will effectively negate all attempts at protecting the environment and tacking climate change. "Care of water resources and attention to…

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The Joy of Taco Bell

This paean to Taco Bell, from Mark Dery of No matter how sophisticated my palette has grown, nor how politicized it has become, I still feel a nostalgic fondness for Taco Bell tacos, triggered by sense memories of that first bite, when the shell would disintegrate into a heap…

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