We need to hunt down and kill Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand.

Why fear the Invisible Hand?  Because the invisible hand is evil.  As construed by those conservatives currently in power, it is the economic equivalent of the Devil.  This conclusion is going to come as a shock to many conservatives, because they give homage to the invisible hand as though it…

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National Geographic Magazine: a treasure trove of relevant information every month

I just finished reading the October 2007 issue of National Geographic.  I've been subscribing to the National Geographic for more than ten years. As I read the October issue, it struck me what an incredibly informative magazine it is.  Truly, in a single issue of that one magazine there must…

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It’s time for men to liberate themselves by burning their ties.

It's way past time for this mass protest.  Let's set the scene at a large prominent public space such as the Washington, DC Mall.  Let's gather five million white-collar workers and professionals and invite them to throw their neckties into a huge bonfire to demonstrate that they're not willing to…

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Bloggers who get access to the President

The new media are increasingly learning the lessons of the corporate media. According to this post on the Harper's site, the bloggers who get personal access to the President are those who write about the President sympathetically. Here's an example of the sort of bloggers the President seeks: Matthew Burden, who…

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