Who is that screwing around with armed nuclear weapons?

Perhaps the rule should be that countries that don't show the utmost care for nuclear weapons shouldn't be allowed to have any.  Oops, that's us, according to the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force said Friday it has punished 70 airmen involved in the accidental, cross-country flight of…

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U.S. Attorney General Candidate is clueless

Michael Mukasey doesn't get it, as explained by Glenn Greenwald: And when he was asked yesterday explicitly whether he would advise the President that he has the power to "seize U.S. citizens on U.S. soil and detain them indefinitely without charge?," all he would say in response was: "I certainly…

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Some questions for the GOP candidates

These were concocted by John Cole of Balloon Juice (via Andrew Sullivan): 1.) “Would you have sex with a man to stop a terrorist attack?” 2.) “If lowering taxes results in increased revenues then would lowering taxes to zero result in infinite revenues?” 3.) “If you had a time machine,…

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George Bush: al Qaida’s best friend

Republican apologists for George Bush have been trying to justify his enormous disaster in Iraq by pointing out that no major terrorist attacks have occurred in the U.S. since 9/11. They assert, without proof, that Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq (including his policies of rendition, torture, warrantless wiretaps, suspension…

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Don’t stare at dead things or animals having sex.

I bristled yesterday as I read yet another faux-controversy concocting article in my misguided home town paper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  You see, Body Worlds is coming to my town and the morality “experts” are getting restless. The “concern” is that maybe we shouldn’t be staring at dead bodies.  The morality experts quoted…

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