Smear job on John McCain unjustified, unless…

It appears that John McCain has put himself into situations suggesting that he had an sexual affair with a 40-year-old female lobbyist.  This politically devastating information can't possibly be relevant to the current presidential campaign, unless... Unless McCain has long-supported a political party that has consciously decided to make sexual…

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Barack Obama’s legislative achievements

I often enjoy reading Andrew Sullivan's column, The Daily Dish.   In today's post, Sullivan chastises Chris Matthews (and other journalists) for attacking Barack Obama's alleged lack of legislative achievements.   In reality, Obama has been quite active in the legislative arena and Chris Matthews should have known better than make these spurious…

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Farewell speech by upbeat pancreatic cancer patient

This speaker's name is Randy Pausch. This video shows a farewell speech that Pausch originally gave to his students at Carnegie Mellon. This video is well worth your eleven minutes, especially if you have far more than eleven minutes to live. One of Pausch's closing lines: "If you live properly,…

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