Charlie Rose tries to understand Iraq

Charlie Rose is having such a difficult time listening to his guests, because he has so obviously bought into the standard mainstream media view on the Iraq conflict (which is essentially the view developed by the Bush Administration).   He appears simultaneously ignorant yet preachy as two men with genuine familiarity with…

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Big houses, bigger houses and even bigger houses

Marc Gunther created his blog to probe Corporate America for signs of social responsibility.   Hence, the name of his blog: "Marc Gunther - Corporate America: Making the World a Better Place . . . or Not." My sister-in-law (an architect who specializes in green issues) referred me to his site.  …

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Should I go to the Creation Museum?

I will be in the Cincinnati area this weekend for fun and business. My only dilemma is to decide whether to spend the time and money to actually visit this edifice of counterknowledge? I've written about this place on D.I. since before it was completed. (List of mentions of it…

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What Ever Became of Interoperability?

I was reading this ZDNet blog about the Browser becoming the new Desktop, and one question came to mind. What happened to the promise of inter-operable parts of your computer environment? About 15 years back, when computers were going to create the paperless office, all of the operating system and…

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