A College Class Lists the Races

I've stewed on this one for a while. I couldn't decide whether it made for an interesting post or a snide, judgmental complaint. I think it will ultimately fall somewhere in between. Last fall, I took an introductory Anthropology course at my large public university of choice. The class fulfilled…

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If you have a driver’s license, you might be a terrorist

Most of you probably already know that more than 35,000 people are killed in the U.S. *every year* (more than ten times the number killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack) by drivers who are impaired by alcohol. But you might not know that, since the 9/11 attack, drivers who run…

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Bush National Security Advisor doesn’t know the difference between Nepal and Tibet

This incredible video was posted on Huffpo.    In the video, President Bush's National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley (who was appearing on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos) repeatedly confused Nepal and Tibet.   Watching this clip, I wonder whether Stephanopoulos caught the problem.   Apparently not, so shame on both of them. …

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Discovery of world’s newest oldest tree means it’s time to revise the Bible.

In 1964, when a living bristlecone pine tree in California was determined to be almost 5,000 years old, it gave Bible literalists a big scare.  After all, literalists (young earthers) believe that the earth is only about 6,000 years old.  Was that bristlecone pine tree around for the "big flood?"   Not quite: young earth adherents argue…

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