How to keep customers coming back for things they don’t need.

How do you keep customers coming back? Keep them constantly dissatisfied. That is the topic of this article in Orion Magazine.  The author is Jeffrey Kaplan.  Here's are a few excerpts from this well written article.   [Note:  you might be blocked from going straight into the article.  If so, go…

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Scientists are now required to treat plants ethically

In the April 24, 2008 edition of Nature (available online only with a subscription), it is reported that the Swiss Federal Government has issued guidelines to help granting agencies "decide which research applications deeply offend the dignity of plants." Those studies that fail to treat plants with "dignity" won't be…

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Winter Soldier – candid accounts of the U.S. involvment in Iraq

DemocracyNow has reported on “Winter Soldier,” a March, 2008 gathering of US veterans in Maryland to testify regarding atrocities committed by US troops during the ongoing occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. These accounts were almost entirely ignored by the American corporate media.  Here are two excerpts:

Jason Hurd went on to describe his time in Iraq. In 2004, he was deployed to central Baghdad with Tennessee’s 278th Regimental Combat Team

We had our interpreter with us, and our interpreter threw up his hand and said “Salaam aleikum,” which is their greeting in Iraq. It means “Peace of God be with you.” And he translated back to us what she said. She said, “No. No peace of God be with you.” She was angry, and she was frustrated. And so, we stopped, and our interpreter said, “Well, what’s the matter? Why are you so angry? We’re here protecting you. We’re here to ensure your safety.”

And that woman began to tell us a story. Just a few months prior to this, her husband had been shot and killed by a United States convoy, because he got too close to their convoy. He was not an insurgent; he was not a terrorist. He was merely a working man trying to make a living for his family. To make matters worse, a few weeks later, there was a Special Forces team who operated in the Kindi area. And as you know, Special Forces do clandestine operations. And so, even though this was my …

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The wacky preachers of white candidates. Exhibits A & B: John Hagee and John McCain

Are you bored by those endless replays of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If so, Frank Rich of the NYT recommends that we visit YouTube to search for “John Hagee Roman Church Hitler,” whereupon we will be "recharged by a fresh jolt of clerical jive." What you’ll find is a white…

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