An American Problem

I was meandering in cyberspace, and stumbled onto this column by Australian Michael Ruse: The struggle between evolution and creation: an American problem. This appeals to me after all the news about Australian Ken Ham and his Creation Museum here in the U.S. The muse of Mr. Ruse is that…

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Hilary Hahn Rocks!

Hilary Hahn is a brilliant young violinist. She is incredibly musical (not all musicians are musical), and I return to her music on a regular basis for inspiration and energy. Here is a link to her bio on her website. I recently found a few YouTube videos of Hilary Hahn…

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National Conference for Media Reform – 2008: Minneapolis

Reminder for anyone interested: The National Conference for Media Reform - Minneapolis -- will occur June 6 - 8, 2008.  Here's a short video created by the conference organizers. Here's an audio clip promoting the NCMR - 2008: ncmr-2008_30sec If you'd like to know more about the conference sessions or…

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Use your ‘economic stimulus’ check to buy a bicycle

We all understand that Bush's 'economic stimulus' check is nothing more than an excuse for Washington politicians to try to buy your vote, just as Bush did so effectively in his 2000 campaign. The 'stimulus' has received bipartisan support, likely because incumbents on both sides of the aisle are concerned…

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