Stewart on Palin

Stewart is just starting to have fun with Palin.  It might not last long, if/when Palin steps down "to help take care of family matters, including her pregnant 17-year old daughter."  That's my prediction.   Palin will be off the national stage in a week.

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Palin being investigated for misconduct in office

Although John McCain hails his running mate as a model of ethical behavior in office, the State of Alaska would apparently disagree: it is investigating Palin for abuse of power in office. Palin, without explanation, recently fired a state employee, who now claims that Palin pressured him to fire a…

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What’s the deal with Sarah Palin?

There is a feeding frenzy regarding Sarah Palin out there.  It's intense and disorienting.  It's also disquieting. Palin seems like a pleasant woman who would make a nice neighbor.   But since when are people qualified to be Vice-President just because they are "nice"? Tonight I started seeing many comments that…

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