John Kerry on what John McCain was really up to this week

Was McCain really interrupting his campaign to hurry down and save the economy?   Far from it, according to John Kerry: [youtube][/youtube] And don't forget that after McCain promised his supporters that he was going to return to DC to help with the bailout Saturday, he actually spent his time hanging…

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The current proposed bailout is only a Band-Aid

The real problem with the economy of the United States is massive debt.  Sooner or later, we're going to have to change our ways, and it's not going to be pretty.  How much work? Consider this description of the amount of debt, by Kevin Phillips: We're not just looking at…

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Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran

At the debate last night, McCain scolded Obama for some allegedly irresponsible statements regarding a possible U.S. military incursion into Pakistan.  Obama responded by mentioning McCain's singing of a song about bombing Iran.   This video has been around for quite awhile on the Internet, but I am posting it here…

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The unrelenting belief that one is the center of the universe

David Foster Wallace gave the following thought-provoking commencement speech to the 2005 graduating class at Kenyon College.  He said many important things to the graduates, all of which you can read here. I tend to admire those thinkers who can put their finger on elephants in the room--those obvious things…

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