Rachel Maddow on the abhorrent new “poll tax”

Rachel Maddow is so very very right about the new "poll tax." There is now excuse why people should be standing in line for 2, 4 or 8 hours, waiting to exercise their fundamental right to vote.  Time is money, and the de facto system in place in many parts…

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Andrew Sullivan’s endorsement of Barack Obama

Andrew Sullivan's endorsement of Barack Obama wasn't unexpected, but it is eloquent and inspiring.  It starts with the many missteps American has taken since 9/11 and takes us up to today, and into the future.  Here's an excerpt: The world will soon remember why it resents America as well as…

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Who would be better for tech, McCain or Obama?

Given that technologies such as the internet, personal connectivity, and pervasive monitoring are still in a nearly malignant growth phase, it might be useful to review the positions of the presidential candidates on technology. Keep in mind that the future of America as a technological nation is also dependent on…

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