Why do we Write?

Everyone has a different reason to write. Some like stories, and can find a publisher to pay them to create. Others write briefs to persuade a court, or articles to sway a constituency, or columns to move or amuse casual readers. For some, it is an unburdening; a barely cloaked…

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What else Sarah Palin didn’t know and why I’m not forgiving John McCain

What else didn't Sarah Palin know?   It's starting to leak out of the McCain camp now.  Check out this site and Bill O'Reilly video. It shows that Sarah Palin was abhorrently uninformed about basic matters affecting national security and that John McCain was trying to commit a fraud on the…

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The Changing Recipe of Pleasure Lesion Stew

We've all recited: "Eye pleasure legion stew the flag, an tooda republic for ..." with maybe a glimmering of what it meant. The ideas are too complex for the school age children to parse. It is a mantra intended to imprint kids so that later they don't question the ideas…

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McCain won Missouri, finally.

Well, it was a dead heat. 1,442,613 vs 1,436,745 (a difference of 5,868 or 0.4%). There was a Missouri Nader vote of 17,769 that arguably made the difference. But Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida pushed the mulatto Hawaiian over the top of the elderly Panamanian by a resounding 0.1% of the…

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The Morning After An Eight Year One Night Stand

In the dim light of the bar, it seemed like such a good idea.  Things had been dull, though financially there'd been some improvement.  Time to relax, maybe have a fling.  The stranger sauntered over, holding a longneck, and leaned against the counter, smiled, and said "Hi.  Come here often?"…

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