The Mental Health Challenges of Liberal Girls

Janathan Haidt, writing at his new Substack:

In conclusion, I believe that Greg Lukianoff was exactly right in the diagnosis he shared with me in 2014. Many young people had suddenly—around 2013—embraced three great untruths:

They came to believe that they were fragile and would be harmed by books, speakers, and words, which they learned were forms of violence (Great Untruth #1).

They came to believe that their emotions—especially their anxieties—were reliable guides to reality (Great Untruth #2).

They came to see society as comprised of victims and oppressors—good people and bad people (Great Untruth #3).

Liberals embraced these beliefs more than conservatives. Young liberal women adopted them more than any other group due to their heavier use of social media and their participation in online communities that developed new disempowering ideas. These cognitive distortions then caused them to become more anxious and depressed than other groups. Just as Greg had feared, many universities and progressive institutions embraced these three untruths and implemented programs that performed reverse CBT on young people, in violation of their duty to care for them and educate them.

See also, this article discussing (among other things) The Coddling of the American Mind, by Haidt and Lukianoff.

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Earth-Shaking Congressional Testimony of Former Head of the CDC Mostly Ignored by Corporate Media

Where are the bold headlines in the corporate media when the former Director of the CDC, Dr. Robert Redfield, testifies that: A) Gain of Function Research has not ever created any life-saving vaccines or therapeutics, B) Gain of Function Research probably caused the COVID pandemic, and C) there are no tangible benefits to Gain of Function Research?

As Saager Enjeti notes, it is "madness" that this testimony has failed to generate big headlines or to result in dramatic new restrictions on this type of research. In the meantime, Anthony Fauci did his damndest to hide that this research was going on and that he was responsible for funding it. Nothing about this testimony from CNN, MSNBC, NPR or WaPo. NYT does mention Redfield's testimony, but buries the lede.

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Why I Focus on Problems with Left-Leaning “News” Media

On FB, a reader criticized me for not criticizing the problems with FOX News. My response:

The faux journalism of FOX already gets lots of attention from many quarters. How many times do I need to agree with you that FOX is the PR wing for the Republican Party? That's exactly what FOX is. Anyone attempting to get real news solely from FOX is getting a ton of propaganda, along with some real news. What I do on FB is not my day job. I focus on stories that are NOT being well-covered, including the fact that people who are looking toward NYT/WP/CNN/MSNBC/NPR as their long-trusted sources of news are often getting propaganda for the DNC, assisted by the U.S. law enforcement/spy state (FBI/CIA/DHS etc).

I've never claimed to quantify how bad FOX is compared to the left-leaning news, but for several years I have covered many dozens of incidents from which I can confidently conclude that the "news" on both the left and the right is deplorable, often demonstrably false, presenting one false consensus after another and intentionally not-curious about major evidence in order to try to get certain people elected and not others. The "news" on both the right and the left often consists of brazen attempts to manipulative the public, as though we are infants who are not capable of thinking for ourselves. What I am discussing is not trivial. It is ruining our country, betraying the vision of the Founders of the United States.

Jim, when Joe Biden promises to make Nord Stream inoperable, a sophisticated operation blows it up--an act of war--then, the WH celebrates, then claims "Russia" blew up its own infrastructure, Seymour Hersh offers details on how Biden ordered the operation and a month later the left-leaning news media reports that Ukraine did it--while burying the lede about Joe Biden's solemn promise, are you confident that your favorite team of "journalists" are simply reporting the news? BTW, have you EVER criticized these left-leaning corporate media outfits? In your opinion, have they done a good job telling you what is going on regarding politically-charged stories? If you claim they have, how do you know this? Do you read independent journalists? Do you read right-leaning journalists? I do this constantly, even though I often disagree with all of the above.

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The Woke Eating their Own, Latest Edition

The Woke are eating their own, which was entirely predictable based on Ryan Grimm's June 2022 article.

According to this thread, Dr. Lee told FAIR she was accused of "whitesplaining" as she tried to set a meeting agenda, and she was told that she was perpetuating "white supremacy" by valuing punctuality & engaging in strategic planning.

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