Comedians and Red Hot Truths
Far more truth-bombs are dropped by comedians (such as Dave Smith) than by modern day "journalists."
Far more truth-bombs are dropped by comedians (such as Dave Smith) than by modern day "journalists."
Thinking is mostly not something you actively do. Thoughts mostly occur to you. They well up from below. “You” are the culmination of prior events over which you have little or no control. To the extent that people deny and abhor this fact, they are especially vulnerable to censorship.
[Added July 29]
I am largely in agreement with Sam Harris on the topic of free will.
In 2021, the co-founder of Wikipedia warned that the website has become hopelessly corrupted. The article appeared in the New York Post: "Wikipedia co-founder says site is now ‘propaganda’ for left-leaning ‘establishment.’" Here is an excerpt:
Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger has warned that the website can no longer be trusted — insisting it is now just “propaganda” for the left-leaning “establishment.”
Sanger told UnHerd’s Lockdown TV Wednesday that he started the “encyclopedia of opinion” in 2001 purely on the basis it would offer true neutrality and offer “multiple points of view” on “hot button issues.”
Now, he insisted, conservative voices are “sternly warned if not kicked out” if they try to add a different take on establishment views — which Sanger deemed “propaganda.”
I'm politically homeless, which makes it easy for me to simply be curious without taking sides between Trump and Biden, two certifiably incompetent candidates for President. Come' on, America! Why in God's name should we be stuck with these two candidates once again?
OK. I needed to get that off my chest.
In the meantime, the left-leaning corporate "news" media is undoubtedly exhausted trying to cover-up the years-long malfeasance of Joe Biden. Upcoming testimony before Congress is expected to blow things wide open. In the meantime, Uncle Joe has apparently cured cancer.
You need not agree with everything someone says to treat them with respect. Daryl Davis has proved over and over that good things can happen when you refuse to get caught up in hate: