Nellie Bowles: Fire the DEI Department to Fund College Education for 1,000 Students

Nellie Bowles, writing at Common Sense:

Why do universities need so many diversity officers? University of Michigan emeritus economics professor, Mark J. Perry, broke down the latest numbers on how many professional diversity officers are on the U of M payroll, and how much these officers make: “126 diversicrats at an average salary of $93,600 with 38 making >$100K and a shocking record-high of $430,795.” The total payroll cost for “diversity equity and inclusion” programming is over $15 million a year, or in-state tuition for almost 1,000 students. One wild DEI idea: Fire every single one of them, and use that money to free 1,000 poor students from debt each year.

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Taboo Story is Reported by Matt Taibbi: Women with Penises Raping Women Without Penises in Women’s Prisons

Matt Taibbi has shed light on this taboo story: "The World's Most Taboo Legal Case: While the media world wept over Amber and Johnny, a lawsuit filed by a feminist group over prison sexual abuse remained earth's most ignored scandal. Here is an excerpt:

"On November 17, 2021, the Women’s Liberation Front, or WoLF, filed a class-action lawsuit in California that drew almost no coverage. A press corps gearing up to be outraged en masse by the Amber Heard-Johnny Depp defamation case had zero interest in a lawsuit filed by far poorer female abuse victims. Janine Chandler et al vs. California Department of Corrections targeted a new California state law, the “The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act,” a.k.a. S.B. 132. The statute allows any prisoner who self-identifies as a woman — including prisoners with penises who may have stopped taking hormones — into women’s prisons. There was nothing TV-friendly about the scenes depicted in the complaint:

"Plaintiff Krystal Gonzalez (“Krystal”) is a female offender currently incarcerated in Central California Women’s Facility. Krystal was sexually assaulted by a man transferred to her unit under S.B. 132. Krystal filed a grievance and requested single-sex housing away from men; the prison’s response to Krystal’s grievance referred to her assault by a “transgender woman with a penis.” Krystal does not believe that women have penises…"

Chandler is the headline legal action in a nationwide battle over whether or not prisoners who self-identify as women, including those with histories of rape or sexual abuse, should be allowed to transfer to women’s correctional facilities. There have been both official and unofficial policy changes on this front in a growing collection of states across the country. These often happen little to no public debate, because this issue may be the most impenetrable media taboo in America now. The group bringing the suit, WoLF, has been targeted from every conceivable angle by pressure and censorship campaigns.

[There is a] a growing schism on what was once the political left. The ACLU just proudly announced an attempt to challenge Chandler with other “LGBTQ organizations.” It’s weird enough to see the ACLU — which historically has used most careful language in defending everyone from Neo-Nazis to NAMBLA — issue a press release bluntly describing a feminist organization like WoLF as “bigoted.” It’s weirder still when the complainants are women, many with extensive histories of sexual abuse, suing on behalf of a community that is disproportionately LGB, as 42% of incarcerated women identify as lesbian or bisexual.

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One of the “Experts” Featured in New Documentary by Matt Walsh: “What is a Woman”

I'm make sure I never sign up any biology class taught by Dr. Michelle Forcier, featured in the video clip below, from the new documentary "What is a Woman?" I agree with Andrew Sullivan and Matt Walsh. This is sheer lunacy.

More about this interview and Walsh's documentary in general from the Daily Mail.

[Added June 4, 2022]

I haven't yet watched the entire documentary, but I am planning to do that soon. After reading reviews like this, I am all-the-more interested in seeing the documentary for myself: "What Is A Woman? Review of a Cultural Turning Point: The most important documentary of the year breaks the spell and is a reckoning for gender ideology."

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How to Respond When a Public School Sues its Students for Not Using Vanity Pronouns of other Students

Fair spoke up for the students who were sued by the Kiel Middle School in Wisconsin. Here's an excerpt for the letter FAIR sent to the school:

By initiating proceedings against students for not using the alternative pronouns of others, Kiel is not simply punishing them for protected speech; it is compelling them to affirm ideological beliefs in violation of their First Amendment rights. Pronoun declarations are not value-neutral statements such as name and age. They are politically loaded and premised on a specific set of ideological beliefs: that pronouns refer to gender and not biological sex, that one can be neither male nor female, and that gender is a matter of personal choice rather than a biological condition.

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