One of the “Experts” Featured in New Documentary by Matt Walsh: “What is a Woman”

I’m make sure I never sign up any biology class taught by Dr. Michelle Forcier, featured in the video clip below, from the new documentary “What is a Woman?” I agree with Andrew Sullivan and Matt Walsh. This is sheer lunacy.

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More about this interview and Walsh’s documentary in general from the Daily Mail.

After I posted this on FB, I got some pushback. My reaction:

It’s almost as if many trans women consider it as an insult to be called a “trans woman.” I don’t see “trans woman” as a moral descriptor. I interpret it as the fact that one who is biologically female (xx) is now presenting/living as a man. Why doesn’t everyone embrace “trans woman” as reality-based, biological fact? For whatever reason, it’s not good enough for many people, who insist that a trans woman is utterly/completely/uncompromisingly a “woman.” Once society makes this linguistic move (which is well-intended by many as an attempted showing of kindness), it triggers a reverse-reengineering that ends with the absurd claim that there are not two sexes and, in face, the idea of calling a human animal either the male or female sex is merely a social construct (even though it is common sense biology when we when we use the term when referring to any other species of animal). It happens because many clear-thinking reality-based people are afraid to speak up, for fear of getting yelled at (or for fear of losing their jobs). A simple Venn diagram can show that a trans man shares many, but not all, characteristics as a man. And I see no problem calling a trans man a “man” in many (though not all) situations. I advocate special spaces some place in society for biological females (e.g., women’s shelters and prisons). Maybe someday we’ll get this confusion out of our language, out of our science magazines and out of our medical schools.

[Added June 4, 2022]

I haven’t yet watched the entire documentary, but I am planning to do that soon. After reading reviews like this, I am all-the-more interested in seeing the documentary for myself: “What Is A Woman? Review of a Cultural Turning Point: The most important documentary of the year breaks the spell and is a reckoning for gender ideology.”


Erich Vieth

Erich Vieth is an attorney focusing on civil rights (including First Amendment), consumer law litigation and appellate practice. At this website often writes about censorship, corporate news media corruption and cognitive science. He is also a working musician, artist and a writer, having founded Dangerous Intersection in 2006. Erich lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his two daughters.

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