Intersex Conditions: The Alleged Midpoint to the Alleged Sex Spectrum

Biologist succinctly explains why gender ideologues keep harping on the alleged importance of intersex conditions. I've recently heard two different people I consider reasonably intelligent inject intersex conditions into a discussing to convince me 1) that there are more than two sexes and 2) that sex is a fluid spectrum.

[T]ransgenderism has nothing to do with being intersex. Gender ideologues are simply using intersex as a wedge to push the pseudoscientific "sex spectrum" in order to claim "male" and "female" are mere social constructs to justify people self-identifying as any sex they choose.

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Tens of Thousands Currently Using GoFundMe to Raise Money to Cut off Their Breasts

Billboard Chris periodically checks out the number of girls trying to raise money to cut off their breasts. Here's his latest post on that topic, indicating that 42,000 girls are currently raising money for that purpose:

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The Overton Window Closes at Indiana School District

An Indiana Public School K-12 District has announced penalties for micro-aggressions. These penalties include suspensions and expulsions for saying the word "guys" and asking people where they are from. Greg Lukianoff of FIRE discusses with Megyn Kelly.

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FAIR Sends Letter of Inquiry to University of Colorado at Denver

FAIR is the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism. FAIR often speaks up when organizations exhibit illiberal tendencies, even when this is done with good intentions. A recent example, a letter FAIR sent to the University of Colorado. Here's an excerpt from FAIR's letter of concern:

To summarize the information provided to FAIR: The University is emphasizing a particular ideological viewpoint and concomitant intolerance of dissenting viewpoints. It has held events where individuals are physically segregated based on skin color. A chilling effect has resulted on campus, leaving some employees and students feeling they cannot express their beliefs without fear of retribution.

We have significant concerns if that information is accurate. As an advocate for pro-human antiracism, FAIR respects educators who undertake efforts to create positive change and greater fairness. There can be no question of past and present injustices committed in this nation. However, institutional policies and practices that attempt to remedy prejudice should not themselves further prejudice or intolerance. It is unconstitutional for a public institution to segregate individuals by skin color, even if the purpose is benign. Johnson v. California, 543 U.S. 499, 506 (2005). Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1, 22 (1948); Shaw v. Hunt, 517 U.S. 899, 908 (1996).

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