Bill Maher on John McCain, the “surge” and religion

If you want to know what Bill Maher is up to, check out this article at I found the interview to be equally thoughtful and frank--the antithesis of political talk. For instance, on McCain and Iraq Maher says: It's already a partitioned country. What are we fighting for over…

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Who else is Iran arming in Iraq? What the media isn’t saying.

Salon's War Room presents Fox's coverage as a case of especially shoddy journalism regarding Iran's alleged provision of arms to forces hostile to the US in Iraq: Let's say for the sake of argument that the administration is right on two key points: that Iranian arms are indeed flowing into…

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Noam Chomsky on the reason the U.S. won’t relinquish control of Iraq

Chomsky wrote that it all has to do with corporate power and oil.  Here is an excerpt from The Independent, an article entitled "The US says it is fighting for democracy - but is deaf to the cries of the Iraqis"   Sovereignty in Iraq might well lead to a loose Shia alliance controlling most…

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The insanity of Bush’s 2007 budget proposal

Here's Robert Sheer's take on the new budget: Ever since some lunatics, mostly citizens of our longtime ally Saudi Arabia, used $3 knives to hijack four planes on the same morning, President Bush has exploited our nation’s trauma as an opportunity to throw trillions of dollars at the military-industrial complex…

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Don’t let the White House gut the budget of Public Broadcasting

President Bush’s new budget proposal cuts more than $53 million money from the budget of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the agency that allocates federal money for NPR, PBS and other federally funded media.  This is a quarter of the CPB budget.  This same budget will drastically crank up…

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