How many lies did the Bush Administration tell in the 2 years prior to the Iraq invasion?

The Center for Public Intergrity has now added them up.  There were 935 lies from high-ranking Bush officials.  All of them designed to convince us to invade Iraq for no good reason.  Here's a summary: The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews…

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What country leads the pack in locking up prisoners?

The United States. Here are some shocking details from Nomi Prins of Alternet: The United States has more inmates and a higher incarceration rate than any other nation: more than Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Iran, India, Australia, Brazil and Canada combined. Nearly 1 in every 136 US residents is in…

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Why does Bush keep smirking and laughing at such inappropriate moments?

Bob Cesca raises the issue of Bush's inappropriate smirking and provides the images to substantiate the problem. I went to Catholic grade school and high school and I've seen nuns beat the holy crap out of you for smirking at something innocuous. So here's the alleged leader of the free…

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