Who’s Afraid of Barack? And why?

I watched a few minutes of a Sunday morning Fox political program, and noticed that their fair and balanced coverage of presidential politics had several distinct spins. On the republican side, McCain is the anointed candidate. On the Democrat side, the race will be decided by the super-delegates. Every bit…

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Why hasn’t Iran emerged as a democracy?

According to this video by JustforeignPolicy.org, Iran once was a democracy. Until a foreign power crushed that democracy in 1953. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJRcOF7rEfQ[/youtube] The take-away message from this video: it doesn't have to be the way it is currently portrayed to be between Iran and the U.S. The history of relations between…

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Bush: No need to look for fraud in Afghanistan or Iraq!

New unbelievable rule from the Bush Administration, as reported by MSNBC: A Bush administration plan to crack down on contract fraud has a multibillion-dollar loophole: The proposal to force companies to report abuse of taxpayer money will not apply to work overseas, including projects to secure and rebuild Iraq and…

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Single Issue Anyone?

With the possible spoiler of Mike Huckabee, it's clear that John McCain is set to be the candidate the Democrats need to beat in November. The irony of the ongoing battle between Hillary and Obama is that, policy-wise, they just aren't that different. There were some real differences between the…

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If the cold war presidents had acted like George W. Bush …

Fred Kaplan's has written a new book, Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power. He argues that George W. Bush's failures stem from two great misconceptions: A) that the world changed after Sept. 11, when it didn't, and B) that the United States emerged from the Cold…

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