“Mad Dog Palin” by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone

For those of you who haven't experienced Rolling Stone assassin Matt Taibbi's uncompromising, pointy and funny-as-heck style, first cop this excerpt from his Palin pwnage piece on 27 September ... It even crossed my mind that there was an element of weirdly self-destructive pique in McCain's decision to cave in to his party's right-wing…

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Are we posting too much about the Presidential election?

How many posts at this site have been about the election? I haven't counted them, but there are so many that it almost seems like an obsessive pursuit. It's almost a little embarrassing, especially for a website that does not present itself as a current events or news commentary site.…

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Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran

At the debate last night, McCain scolded Obama for some allegedly irresponsible statements regarding a possible U.S. military incursion into Pakistan.  Obama responded by mentioning McCain's singing of a song about bombing Iran.   This video has been around for quite awhile on the Internet, but I am posting it here…

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Bush then and now, the “threat of Iraq” and the “failing economy”

Jon Stewart's team does a great job of editing George W. Bush speeches from five years ago and from recent days.   It does seem to be the same speech. Consider this earlier post, and the opening lines from the BBC's terrific documentary: “The Power of Nightmares: The Shadows In The…

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