Why the U.S. Has Ukrainian Blood on its Hands: Jeffrey Sachs Offers this Primer

So many people I know proudly ignore the indisputable history of US meddling in Ukraine. Because they are ignorant, they deny that the US is responsible for the needless deaths of 600,000 Ukrainians and 70,000 Russians (and the squandering of the U.S. treasury). The Neocons in the Biden-Harris cabinet (including Biden and Harris) have blood on their hands, but you wouldn't know it because the corporate media has been covering it up and lying to you. The history of Ukraine did not begin in 2022. Please consider listening to Jeffrey Sachs for 10 minutes. These facts are not disputed by anyone who has been paying attention.

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Democrats Embracing the Warmongers

This wasn't on my Bingo card either . . .

The NYT did a mea culpa for its Iraq war lies:

But we have found a number of instances of coverage that was not as rigorous as it should have been. In some cases, information that was controversial then, and seems questionable now, was insufficiently qualified or allowed to stand unchallenged. Looking back, we wish we had been more aggressive in re-examining the claims as new evidence emerged -- or failed to emerge.

But now the NYT is back to lying with vigor:

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Kamala Harris and Nuclear War

I disagree with RFK, Jr. about the need to elect Donald Trump. IMO, he is not a good choice for President based on his unprofessional rhetoric, his unstable personality and his poor decision-making on many issues. I agree with everything else RFK, Jr. says in this video. Voting for Kamala Harris and her neocon buddy Dick Cheney (along with current Biden administration neocons, including Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland) is a vote for non-ending wars of discretion and an existentially high risk of nuclear war. I know we have tragically limited bad choices in this election, but based on this one issue alone, I am convinced that a vote for Harris is self-destructive

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