The Iraq invasion has cost more than one trillion dollars. How much is one trillion?

Mathematician John Paulos has been working hard to help us imagine the amount of money spent to invade and occupy Iraq.  Many experts suggest that it has cost $700 billion in direct costs and probably twice that much if you include the indirect costs.  Others estimate the cost at $2…

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Bush announces the newest (and worst yet) reason for having our troops in Iraq

Look how low the bar has now gotten.   This is from the President's May 2, 2007 address to the Associated General Contractors of America: ..."But slowly but surely, the truth will be known. Either we'll succeed, or we won't succeed. And the definition of success as I described is sectarian…

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Time for a new national motto for the United States

I'm really tired of hearing the sorts of things most patriotic Americans utter to express what they believe to be the national character of the United States.  Consider some of the most common expressions: "The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave."  Or consider "The Greatest Country in…

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Bill Moyers returns to PBS to dissect the corporate media: “Buying the War”

On Wednesday evening, Bill Moyers' Journal presented "Buying the War," a terrific special describing the failure of the U.S. media during the run-up to the Iraq invasion.   If you missed it, you can watch the entire show here.   Here's the official description of the special: Four years ago on May 1, President Bush…

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