Question the significance of the “gross domestic product” (GDP)

I just finished reading a terrifically clear and concise article on measuring "the economy" by Jonathan Rowe, published by Harpers. It is entitled "Our Phony Economy." Please allow me to set the scene. Haven't you wondered why politicians and the news media so often obsess about the rising and falling…

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Take a couple of deep breaths and then read this closely: it isn’t dangerous to use marijuana.

It is awkward for me to argue that adults have the right to smoke marijuana. Whenever I make this argument, I suspect that people think that my arguments constitute a thin and self-serving façade for my own personal desire to smoke marijuana.

I have never smoked marijuana, though, and have never desired to do so, even though I worked as a rock musician in the 70’s. I don’t know why I have never desired to use marijuana or any other street drug. Maybe it’s because I fear the loss of “control”—life is already a bit out of control, it seems. Perhaps I have been cowed by the existence of criminal laws prohibiting possession of even possession of small amounts. Nor do I smoke or drink. I try to find my personal high through things like talking with friends, exercising and by exploring ideas.

When discussing the potential legalization of drugs, personal prejudice and flimsy anecdotes have a way of driving the conversation. That’s why I wanted to say a few things about my own attitudes toward marijuana before preceding.

This topic of the illegality of marijuana arose at a gathering of acquaintances yesterday. For those opposed to legalizing marijuana I suspect that their main argument was that marijuana use is morally wrong. In “mixed company” (involving people for and against criminalization of marijuana), this moralistic argument is left unarticulated, however, because it is a rare day when a simple claim that something is “immoral” convinces anyone of anything. In such …


Continue ReadingTake a couple of deep breaths and then read this closely: it isn’t dangerous to use marijuana.

Housing and Transportation costs will keep the cities relatively affordable

Should you live in the suburbs or in the city to keep your housing and transportation costs in check?  According to this interactive site developed by CNT and its collaborative partners, the Center for Transit Oriented Development, the answer is clear--live in the city. The bright red color-codings you'll find…

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