FAIR Responds to AG Merrick Garland on Transgender Issues

I agree with the response by FAIR (Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism) to the recent letter sent by American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and Children’s Hospital Association to Attorney General Merrick Garland. Here is an excerpt from FAIR's letter:

The topic of best practices in gender-related healthcare is currently the subject of intense debate. In their October 3rd press release, the American Academy of Pediatrics cited a 2018 Policy Statement as the basis for evidence-based gender-affirming care. Now, in 2022, four years of experience has provided a growing body of evidence and patient experiences that do not support the safety and benefits of universal “gender affirming” care as medically established. Recent systematic reviews have concluded that gender affirming care to treat gender dysphoria for adolescence is based on low quality, experimental evidence; ignores underlying mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, autism, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse disorders, borderline personality disorder, and eating disorders; and may result in irreversible harm—including but not limited to developmental, neurocognitive, psychological, hormonal, and reproductive damage. The Tavistock Gender Clinic in the United Kingdom was recently closed due to these concerns. Moreover, under the gender affirming model, a large new cohort of patients (including the young) are being placed on a lifelong path of medications and dependencies with unknown consequences. It remains unclear whether such treatments will lead to heart disease, cancer, chronic pain, or other serious effects, and whether our healthcare system will be equipped to treat that growing population. Furthermore, a growing cohort of patients are detransitioning and reporting superficial assessments, poor follow-up care, and misdiagnosis of root causes for their gender dysphoria. The opioid epidemic itself was created by “one-size fits all” regulatory mandates to measure pain and treat with opioids, and a political partnership between the AMA and Purdue Pharma which disregarded scientific evidence about the dangers of opioids and prioritized subjective assessments of pain. That approach contributed to the opioid crisis we still grapple with today. Open inquiry and consideration of dissenting voices are imperative to avoid repeating a similar tragedy with respect to gender affirming care.

Any violence or threats of violence should be fully investigated and addressed under the law. But investigating, prosecuting, or silencing those who question or disagree with the still very new and rapidly evolving field of gender affirming care will not only risk violating the First Amendment rights of all Americans, but will prevent the medical profession from determining and providing the safest and most effective treatments for gender dysphoric patients. Rigorous and open debate about the risks and benefits of any treatment—including gender affirming care—must not be suppressed, and to conflate this necessary debate with promoting violence against healthcare workers is deeply irresponsible.

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Tulsi Gabbard Leaves the Democrat Party

Here are Tulsi Gabbard's reasons for leaving the Democrat Party, based on a mass emailing I received:

I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

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PayPal and Etsy Cancel Colin Wright Because He Teaches Basic Biology in his Writings

Biologist Colin Wright explains how PayPal and Etsy banned him for taking the position that there are only two sexes and that they are biologically grounded. He explains the PayPal actions at about the ten-minute mark.

Consider also the context: Colin Wright's background as a Ph.D student studying biology:

Min 8:04:

"I had maybe 100 applications out actually turned my my twitter I locked it down for maybe six months while I was applying for jobs um and when I was writing this one essay the first one I wrote for Quillette called "The New Evolution Deniers." I sent it to my advisor at the time and some of my mentors. They both came back and they said, "This is a fantastic essay. I agree with everything it's completely right, but you cannot publish this. This will ruin your career. If you do publish it don't put your name on it."

To me when the first thing they said was "this is fantastic and it's true." Then, to me, everything after the "but." If I would have not went ahead and published it, that would have just been--every reason that I wanted to get into science in the first place and to be a scientist to pursue truth, to pursue what's real about biology and the natural world--all of a sudden it seemed like academia really wasn't what I wanted it to be like. Do I want to work in an environment that is not going to allow me to say completely obviously true, things is that male and female exist? So really I no longer even wanted to have that job anymore given how much it's changed, since I had gone into it you know 12 years ago now at this point um so yeah so I was actually okay with it destroying my career um because I wanted to to be able to speak the truth."

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When Someone Asks for Your Pronouns

On Twitter, Melinda Richards asked: “If someone asks me for my pronouns…what’s my best response?”

Here are some of the suggestions she received:

  • "Go with your gut." (Colin Wright)
  • “I’m not normalizing this ideology by giving you my pronouns” (Eyes Wide Open)
  • 'Why do you want to know?' (Geoffrey Miller)
  • “Your Majesty, of course.” (Pierre Chenekoala)
  • “The normal ones.” (Gyno Chad)
  • “I no speaka de wokie.” (Lou Rider)
  • “I identify as a donkey. My pronouns are hee/haw.” (Ryan Rally)
  • “Traditional” (MostlyInitTogether)
  • “I don’t recognize your religion.” (Lorraine Braddock)
  • "You're a bright kid. You work it out." (Dick Nalton)
  • “Just say ‘Treat me as a normal person and use the ones you have used 2 years ago.’” (Oliver Reed)
One more ...

“Point is, 'pronouns' are not used to "address" people - only when talking *about* someone. e.g. "he/she did such&such" When addressing someone, you use their name or title (Doctor, Professor etc), or sir/madam/miss if you don't know their name. So, their 'pronouns' are superfluous.” (Boomerang1)

See also, Colin Wright's article on this topic at the Wall Street Journal.

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