Violence in Iraq is systematically being under-reported

Think Progress contrasts Laura Bush's recent argument that the media are failing to report all of the good things that are happening to this excerpt from the Iraq Study Group: In addition, there is significant underreporting of the violence in Iraq. The standard for recording attacks acts as a filter…

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No Intelligent Designer needed for the economy

You’ll never find anyone who writes more clearly about mathematics than John Paulos.  Exhibit A is Innumeracy:  Mathematical Illiteracy and its Consequences (1990).  Paulos doesn’t limit his inquiries and writings to pure mathematics, however.  Mathematics permeates numerous social issues, and Paulos is happy to jump into the fray whereever that is…

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Understanding the world through a column of statistics

Bill Moyers wrote that "it has been said that the mark of a truly educated person is to be deeply moved by statistics." To the extent that this is true, go hither and understand the world through the statistics presented by "Worldometers."  Lots of thought-provoking statistics kept up to the…

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Mission accomplished by political hack/video hacker

Why is the White House afraid to show Bush's 2003 aircraft carrier "Mission Accomplished speech" in its full glory?  Why has the video available on the White House site been so obviously hacked? Maybe the answer is best shown through statistics:                  At Mission Accomplished    Since Mission Accomplished U.S. Troops wounded          542                            21,077…

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Wiki vs. Britannica: Evolution vs. Design

I just finally got around to reading my June 2006 Communications of the ACM (an academic computer journal) and spotted a little news brief about Britannica trying to sue Nature magazine for this December 2005 Article that noted that the error rate in science entries of Wikipedia is comparable to…

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