Today’s Gratitude

Evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller's Tweet is worth considering, repeatedly:

How many of these ancestors are there?  Well . . . just move up your family tree 20 generations and you will find more than one million great great great . . . grandparents.  And they all had to find each other and mate at the right time or else you wouldn't be sitting there reading this.  This is one of the many cases where facts are more amazing than any fiction you could ever concoct.

I've long been fascinated by this thought experiment.  Imagine driving along the highway passing your chronologically arranged ancestors, all standing in a line.  What would that be like?  

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Evolution Through Camping

Geoffrey Miller describes how we got here, and it seems like an impossible journey.

And there is most definitely a selection bias, because many people didn't make it and didn't reproduce. Here's how Thomas Hobbes might have summed up 100,000 generations of camping trips ". . . continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

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