Unnecessary Study: Praying Doesn’t Heal Heart Patients

Researchers have just spent a whole lot of money determining that prayer does not seem to work.  In the largest study of its kind, researchers found that having people pray for heart bypass surgery patients had no effect on their recovery. In fact, patients who knew they were being prayed…

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What Would Jesus Do about Global Warming?

The current edition of Time Magazine (April 3) warns us that global warming is not just a vague fear, but a reality.  The 14-page article contains disturbing photography of displaced animals and receding glaciers.  The cover warns us to be “Very Worried.”

Even though I’ve often seen publishers use hyperbole to sell magazines, I am truly concerned.  I am concerned even though many environmental worries have been overstated in the past. 

On the other hand, I know that past warnings have generally been wrong only about when, not what.  I also know that the great majority of scientists are in accord on this issue. global warming is occurring and human use of fossil fuels is a major culprit.  Prudence, then, would cause reasonable people to be concerned.

I wanted to be sure to consider all perspectives, though, so I tuned into my local 24/7 Christianity radio station, KJSL, to hear the wisdom of syndicated radio host Paul McGuire

McGuire addressed the Time article directly.  “Global warming is mere mythology and propaganda of the left.”  The problem, he solemnly said, is that the sun is in one of those hot cycles.  That polar bears are being stranded has nothing to do with fossil fuel.  He cited the work of Michael Crichton and Climate Scientist John Christy in support of his denial of global warming.  Christie, according to McGuire, holds that Co2 is not a “pollutant,” and that it is a “gift to plants.”  McGuire repeatedly asserted that there …


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I Give Homage to God. I am Morally Superior.

People who don’t believe in God are constantly disparaged as immoral by those who do.  Many conservatives believe that most of what they perceive to be wrong with the world can be traced to secular humanism, a phrase they can barely utter without spitting.  For them, secular humanism is a…

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The Immorality of Inquiry

Consider, that many religions consider it immoral to do any of the following: Ask certain obvious questions (Is there a God? Will God decide to abolish hell?) Follow evidence wherever it leads. (Many Believers refuse to consider indisputable indicators demonstrating that the earth is actually more than 6,000 years old). Admit that…

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