Science by scientists, a good cause

Here's a new website worth taking a peek:, Scientists and Engineers for America. A group who are trying to activize (um activate?) because of what has been happening to science in the public eye and the administration. They are dedicated to removing theology from science teaching, and ideology from…

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My limited vision.

A Young Earth Creationist with whom I often discourse pities me my small view of the universe. You see, I apparently cannot see the vast immensity and perfection of a 7,000 year old universe created and micromanaged by a spoiled-child-like deity. He is sure that I cannot conceive of how time might mean different things to God than to man. Or how mutually exclusive states of being (God and Man) might have existed simultaneously and yet separately in a single organism here on Earth about 2,000 years ago, and never anywhere else.

My tiny universe is about 15,000,000,000 years old, and I watch it unfurl from a curdled cloud of mesons and quarks to chill and congeal into lumpy proton soup in a quark broth. As it cools it further clumps into first generation stars that are huge, bright, and short-lived: On the order of 10 million years from ignition (when fusion begins) until explosion (when the Hydrogen-Helium cycle breaks down, and gravity collapses it into a mild nova that creates more Helium, and a few of the other light elements. Much of the residue clouds of these stars collect into clusters of smaller stars , galaxies. When they burn out and die, they form and expel the whole periodic table in the hotter, tighter crucibles of their bright supernovae. Then these clouds condense and we get third generation stars, like our sun. The remnants around it also cluster into smaller chunks that are not heavy enough to sustain fusion, …


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Publishers decide that there IS a market for books that naturalize religion

At the home page of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason, Dawkins explains that he wanted to write his most recent book, The God Delusion six years ago but his literary agent was horrified. He was told “don’t even think about it.”  But that was then and now is…

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Yet another chink in the creationist armor

Archeologists in Ethiopia reported yesterday the discovery of a 3.3 million-year-old fossil humanoid: It will be amusing to see how creationists write off this discovery.  Perhaps by "finding" yet another "gap" in the fossil record?

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