We Should All Be Messiahs

There may be little original in this post, but then, there seems to be little original in its subject.  It's just that, well, no one, or not many, manage to say the obvious. I was sitting before my tv the other day watching Dune.  The SciFi Channel version, not that…

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How Did Noah’s Flood Deposit the Iridium Layer?

I've been spending (wa-ay too much) time today reading various news reports about the new Answers In Genesis Museum. In the blog responses to some of these reports I see mostly relief that someone has finally created this museum to tell the truth about Young Earth Creationism. As opposed to…

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Would you climb into a pothole so I don’t step into it?

I didn't think so. It's a lot to ask of another human being.  Then again, if we were "lowly" army ants, we would readily serve as pothole plugs for each other.  According to Dr. Scott Powell: Broadly, our research demonstrates that a simple but highly specialised behaviour performed by a…

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Haldane’s four stages of acceptance

Whether the topic is Iraq, religion, discrimination, or even the scientific theory of evolution, you can likely find a use for John B. S. Haldane's description of the four stages of acceptance of ideas:       i)    this is worthless nonsense;       ii)   this is an interesting, but perverse, point of…

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