Discrimination Against Certain Writers …

Is the pipeline to success open to all good fiction writers in the U.S.? Apparently not.

Charlie Kirk comments on the statistics offered by Matthew Schmitz:

Why are young men the most conservative they've been in decades? Because they grew up under liberalism, and they know its only unifying principle is constant anti-white and anti-male discrimination.

Need proof? Not a single white male born after 1984 has published a work of fiction in the New Yorker, America's most famous literary magazine. Did they all forget how to write? Of course not. They're being kept out because of their race and sex.

The left assumed young men would simply embrace being dispossessed and hated. They were wrong.

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A Tale of Two Informational Ecosystems

For years it has been increasingly difficult for me to have a give-and-take conversation with a Democrat. I've voted almost entirely with the Democrats all my life, and I remain committed to what were, more or less, the Democratic values that were known and accepted by the far majority of Democrats 10 to 15 years ago: anti-war, anti-censorship, don't judge people by irrelevant characteristics like the way they look, deference to the family re how to raise children, etc.

Now it is almost impossible to talk. My guiding assumption is that almost all people think and act rationally based upon what they know and believe. We live in two primary informational ecosystems, however, and the one embraced by most self-proclaimed modern day Democrats has ever-fewer connection points with those who are not in that tribe. It is for that reason that I have, indeed, been posting X links to my FB page, to the the dismay of what turns out to be a smallish group of very loud people who respond almost entirely with ad hominem attacks. I also receive many private messages thanking me for sharing these posts, many of these also adding that they can't "like" or res-hare my links because of social and economic repercussions. Such a sad state of affairs.  BTW, Elon Musk has encouraged the sharing of X posts to those who are still trapped in the Matrix:

I try to explain what I'm doing on FB and why, but it's difficult to see much progress. In this way, the resistance to free speech and fear of wide-open discussion seems so much like a religion! Here's one of my recent FB posts:

If you eat shitty food, your body will suffer. If you ingest shitty information, you will act "rationally" on the basis of that bad information. If you are extremely smart, you will think and act extremely well on behalf of that shitty information. There are thousands of Iago-equivalents on on the federal payroll. Their job is to insidiously gain control of your brain so that (in the case of modern-day Democrats) you'll become pro-censorship, pro-war and and a big believer in race-essentialism (among many other things). In short, you'll become the opposite of what you were 10 years ago, you won't know why you did the 180 and you won't even be concerned that you have betrayed many of your deepest convictions.

Before you weigh in on any issue of national importance, the first question you need to ask yourself is whether your world view has been hijacked by US censorship and propaganda. The "misinformation" and "malinformation" system is extremely sophisticated, developed over the decades by deep state experts. Based on recent disclosures, legacy media have been significantly funded by USAID and other federal sources for many years, going back to Project Mockingbird and beyond. Whether you are "smart" has nothing to do with it. Your only hope is to read widely and read news sources that conflict with each other so you can weigh the evidence for yourself. This will take too much work for many people. They will get fatigued and stick with U.S. approved "news" sources and they are the most over-confident people here on FB.

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The Twilight of DEI

Pre-DEI: Don’t Discriminate and hire the best qualified person no matter their appearance.

DEI: Do Discriminate and hire people who are not the best qualified for the job, impugning the abilities of the people supposedly being helped. It's hard to think of anything more racist than current DEI programs. How can getting rid of DEI possibly be controversial?

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Duke Lacrosse Accuser Confesses that She Made it All Up

"Believe women" was always an idiotic principle. The only principle we should ever follow is Believe Evidence. Back in 2006, DNA exonerated these three men, but the DA forged ahead anyway. Then the media credulously jumped on the bandwagon because the false story fit their male-bashing race-baiting narrative. Now the woman who falsely accused these three innocent men has confessed that she made the entire thing up (She is now in prison for murder of her boyfriend in 2016).

This article by Ted Balaker is titled: “I testified falsely”Woman who accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape admits she lied. Excerpt from this article: "The court threw out the charges, DA Mike Nifong was disbarred, and the students forced Duke into a settlement for defamation."

Ten years ago, I produced a documentary short for FIRE that features K.C. Johnson, co-author of the book Until Proven Innocent: Political Correctness and the Shameful Injustices of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case. Here’s how Johnson summarized the episode:

This was a case that served different agendas of differing groups. For [the DA] Mike Nifong, he wanted guilt because it would help his cause in the primary. For the Duke faculty members, portraying their own students as racist advanced an on-campus agenda of making more hires dealing with race, class, and gender, and requiring more courses in race, class, and gender.

And for The New York Times, this was a case that fit very much the basic assumptions of a typical Times journalist that white, male athletes were out of control, with both sexual and racial connotations, and that advancing this would sort of advance a broader ideological agenda of The Times. And so it was almost a perfect storm of a case in which a variety of different groups could exploit the case for their own purposes


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