Wilfred Reilly Weighs in on the Election Results

Many "people of color," including professor of political science, Wilfred Reilly, have spoken. Reilly is one of my favorite voices over the last five years of woke nonsense. His 2020 book, Taboo, is excellent, as is his 2019 book, Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War.

Fun fact from 2021 article about Wilbert Reilly, "Kentucky State professor making waves in conservative media, intellectual circles":

His dissertation at Southern Illinois University involved taking to task a statistic widely circulated to support the idea of white privilege.

“He asked a bunch of white guys in Queens how much they would have to get paid to be Black and the average answer was $50 million,” Reilly said. “His conclusion was that this represents the value of white status institutionally and structurally — that we live in a racist society.”

Reilly’s dissertation found that the average answer among minorities as to how much they would have to get paid to be white at the time was $80 million.

And now I can't help thinking of the time that Ibram Kendi destroyed the foundation for most of his racism arguments:

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Political Power and the Need for Free Speech

Greg Lukianoff of FIRE:

In a democracy, the majority doesn’t need special protection for freedom of speech because their power is protected by the majority vote. The bully and the bigot easily get their way if they have the votes.

The fact is that only those with opinions that are unpopular with the majority or the ruling elite need the special protection of freedom of speech. It is not, in fact, a coincidence that the Civil Rights Movement, the women’s rights movement, and the gay rights movement (just to name a few) only really took off when the protections of the First Amendment became strongly interpreted beginning in the 1950s. Prior to that, without a strong First Amendment, those movements were easy to shut down.

But the powerful in higher education find this narrative inconvenient. This is because, frankly, they are unsatisfied with the amount of power they have over speech and thought (which is already immense, and regularly abused). They prefer a narrative in which they are still the underdog (which they've never really been) and still the hero (which they very rarely are). At the same time, they’d like to continue to censor “bad” speakers and “bad” speech — not just with new tools, but with a continued sense of self-righteousness about their authoritarian impulses.

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RFK, Jr.’s Position on Vaccines

The corporate news, which is largely financed by Big Pharma and pressured nonstop by the U.S. security state, has lied to us for years regarding RFK, Jr.'s position on vaccines. That why so many people have sincerely looked me in the eyes and asserted that RFK, Jr. is "against vaccines" or is a "conspiracy theorist regarding vaccines."  People are free to agree or disagree with him, but responsible people should make sure they accurately understand RFK, Jr.'s position before hurling ad hominems at him out of ignorance and laziness.

Here is RFK, Jr.'s actual position regarding vaccines:

I just want to make this clear. I don't want to take vaccines away from people. I don't want to impose my choices on the American public. If vaccines are working for you, you ought to be able to get them. And I'll make sure that happens. But people should have informed choice. So they should have good science that tells them the cost and the benefits of these products, particularly since they're being ordered to use them.

76 million kids a year are required to use them. and they're healthy children. So it's the only medical product that's given to healthy people. You want a product like that to be extra solid, to make sure there's no risk, because you can take, you know, there's certain risks that you'll take if you're sick to get better. Of course. But if you're not sick, and you shouldn't be required to take a product unless it is iron-clad, unless you know what the... you know, what all the costs and benefits are.

And the problem with vaccines is that they were originally introduced by the Public Health Service, which is one of the five military services. That's why there's a surgeon general. And the Public Health Service introduced them and pushed them as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country. So they wanted to make sure that if the Russians attacked us with anthrax with some other biological agent They could quickly formulate a vaccine and then deploy it to 220 million American civilians without regulatory impediments.

A normal Medical product takes about eight years to get to market because it has to go through double-blind placebo controlled trials And you need to see long-term effects. There are many effects On every medical product that have long diagnostic horizons long incubation periods They didn't want to go through that because they said it's going to be a national emergency. So instead of calling it a medicine, we're going to call it a biologic and we're going to exempt biologics from pre-licensing safety studies.

So there's no vaccine on that schedule, that 72 vaccines, that has ever gone through a pre-licensing safety study placebo-controlled trial against a real placebo. And that's wrong because that means that nobody knows what the risk profiles are on these products. And nobody can tell you whether that product is averting more problems than it's causing.

And what I will do, you know, if I'm given this job in the White House, is I'll make sure that those studies get done, that there are people on the panels that approve these products that are not loaded with conflicts of interest. So it's real science. disinterested people and that doctors and patients and Americans know exactly what the costs and benefits of every vaccine are and can make a rational decision.

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Open Records Should be the Real Life Default. Time to Revamp FOIA

Elon Musk:

I think the strong bias with respect to government information should be to make it available to the public, like it should be, as transparent as possible. Fully transparent, unless it's a massive risk to the country, you know, we don't want to give, say, exact instructions on how to make a nuclear bomb or something like that. But unless there's a genuine risk to the country, all information in the government should be public.

Anyone who has dealt with FOIA knows how readily the U.S. government obstructs the production of government information. Therefore, I completely agree with Musk. All government information should be presumptively open and available online, with only necessary and compelling exceptions. This includes all government efforts to censor Americans, either directly or through U.S. security state cutouts. Government are our employees who work for us. We the People are their bosses.

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