Rules for being a (Bush-supporting) Republican

This comprehensive list pretty well captures it for me, at least as a description of those Republicans who still strongly support Bush.  Here's a few of my favorites: You must believe that folks who work for their money should be taxed at a high rate, but those who get their money…

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“We’re losing Afghanistan” writes John Kerry in the Wall Street Journal

This article by John Kerry, published today by the Wall Street Journal, is right on target.  Current U.S policy toward Afhanistan is grossly negligent and dangerous, as we've previously argued at this site.

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Corporate media hypes alleged Bush bounce

Check out this article from Media Matters: Despite the obvious signs it exists -- and has for nearly 20 months -- the pervasive buyer's remorse that hovers around President Bush's second term, as measured by public opinion polls, remains off limits for the press. The topic is all but banned…

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It’s official and it’s contrary to Bush rhetoric: Iraq occupation is the primary recruitment vehicle for terrorist organizations

According to a National Intelligence Estimate completed in April the U.S. occupation of Iraq is the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. Rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, it concludes that the…

Continue ReadingIt’s official and it’s contrary to Bush rhetoric: Iraq occupation is the primary recruitment vehicle for terrorist organizations