Washington DC, Where Truth Depends on Who Rather than What
Glenn Greenwald uses the recent letter by 30 "progressives" to illustrate an ongoing problem in DC:
What's happening is immoral--impersonating a journalist.
Glenn Greenwald uses the recent letter by 30 "progressives" to illustrate an ongoing problem in DC:
What's happening is immoral--impersonating a journalist.
Why would a person who ran as a anti-war progressive vote for massive military expenditures in a far corner of the world, a war with no benefit to Americans? Why, indeed? Their votes are in lockstep with almost every Democrat and Republican Glenn Greenwald.
As Carlson points out, Twitter user Samirah had it right in 2018 when she wrote:
How long will we be moaning on and on about single-payer while there's bipartisan support for nuclear Armageddon?
In the video, note the "rude" protest by two of AOC's constituents, who she betrayed.
Here are Tulsi Gabbard's reasons for leaving the Democrat Party, based on a mass emailing I received:
I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people. Unfortunately, today’s Democratic Party does not. Instead, it stands for a government of, by, and for the powerful elite.
I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.
Glenn Greenwald points out that no evidence was needed for left-leaning news outlets to conclude that Trump was in Putin's pocket.
I write this as someone who has almost no respect for both the Democrats, the Republicans and for their respective media teams.
Good news, reported by Matt Stoller:
The problem is not convincing voters that monopolies are a problem. They already believe that. The problem is convincing them that doing something about these problems is possible. This fatalism also shows up in conversations with policymakers, businesspeople, and workers. There are any number of comments you’d recognize making this point. Congress is corrupt. Big tech is too powerful. Washington is broken. Big money runs everything. The government works for big business. Essentially, the case for concentrated corporate power is that, well, they are simply too entrenched to overcome.Well yesterday, the anti-monopoly political movement showed that it is possible to use our political system to fight concentrated power. In a shocking action, the House passed a provision to strengthen antitrust laws by a vote of 242-184. Google, Amazon, Apple, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and various big tech funded trade associations opposed this bill, and Republican leaders like Jim Jordan and Silicon Valley Democrats Zoe Lofgren fought it bitterly. But they lost. And this is very weird to write, because Google never loses in legislative votes. Ever. But they did yesterday.