World War II and Modern Politics

Recent comments in response to posts on Dangerous Intersection have led me to write this screed.  Screed is to be the operative word for this, for it has been born out impatience and anger.  The biggest danger we face in the long run is the basic ignorance people bring to…

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He was trying to save your life, stupid.

Former President George H.W. Bush, on his recent collapse from dehydration: Bush spoke about the incident that sent him to the hospital on Sunday, telling the audience that he became tired after playing golf in high temperatures. "The next thing I remember ... I fainted and I was on the…

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Why I don’t trust Hillary Clinton

Last week I attended a panel at The Tank in New York City, where Ari Melber of The Nation, Democratic strategist Scott Shields, and erstwhile John Edwards blogger Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon were giving a talk on progressive politics, netroots political activism, and how to combat the right-wing noise machine.…

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Statement by new owner of Air America

Here's what new owner Mark Green has to say about the focus of Air America: Air America will aggressively cover national politics and policies in ways that will be informative, opinionated and entertaining. All three. We'll be full of news and views. Two views especially. First, America should stop attacking…

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