Really, filling up your tires and tuning up your car would make a bigger impact than more drilling

Newt Gingrich recently ridiculed Barack Obama's suggestion for a way to immediately save LOTS of oil: make sure your tires are filled with sufficient air and make sure your car is tuned up. Who's right? According to Think Progress, it's Obama. Obama is correct to suggest that inflating tires properly…

Continue ReadingReally, filling up your tires and tuning up your car would make a bigger impact than more drilling

The burden of proof. THIS is why the race for President isn’t already over.

Why is John McCain still competitive? Bob Cesca hits the nail on the head with this post: In scientific terms, the left has been tagged by the corporate media as the "experimental group" while the right is the "control group." The Republicans are the Awesome Republicans no matter what. They're…

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Penises and Proselytes

The chamber, flickering by massed candle light, is stuffy and just a bit noisy from all the shfting fabric and heavy breathing, muttered comments and borborigmi. The couple in the opulent bed seem annoyed, but they're forcing themselves to play along and be jolly. He manages---he's been through this before,…

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One national news outlet (MSNBC) hammers McCain’s sleazy ad

It happened twice on MSNBC, triggered by John McCain's latest tactic: an ad suggesting that Barack Obama was dissing the troops when it is clear that John McCain is dissing the troops through his legislative actions. As the commentator from Air America makes clear, there is a big difference between…

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John McCain shows the media that access comes with a price

Check out this video:  McCain is pointedly reminding the Wall Street Journal that media access isn't free.  If you don't write nice things about McCain, you might not get any story at all. The accompanying article and video provide both the incident and the motive.   If reporter Elizabeth Holmes shapes…

Continue ReadingJohn McCain shows the media that access comes with a price