Real Election Interference: American Style

Glenn Greenwald comments:

"The FBI and CIA corruptly manipulated the last 2 elections, first by concocting a Russiagate investigation with no legal predicate (Durham) and no evidence to establish it (Mueller), then with the lie that reporting on the Bidens was "Russian disinformation"..."

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Peter McCullough: The Current Corruption and Dysfunction of the “House of Medicine.”

Dr. Peter McCullough's summary of the current corruption and dysfunction of the "House of Medicine." Shocking and horrifying account of what really ails us.

In the first half of this talk, McCullough tells the sordid tale of power and corruption. How we got into this mess. Then he addresses some of the damage:

The vaccines didn't work. They didn't stop anybody from getting COVID. They didn't stop transmission. Our CDC director came out and said that early. And they didn't reduce the severity of disease. They're not going to prevent a recurrence right now. There's a fear media campaign right now saying everyone should take more shots because more COVID is coming.

They failed on all four counts. They failed on all four counts and I think America would have accepted an apology. America would have been very forgiving. The world would have been okay with that if they were safe, but it turns out the vaccines, as many of you know, aren't safe.

As we sit here today, we have 3,400 peer-reviewed papers describing fatal and non-fatal vaccine injury symptoms in the National Library of Medicine. It is not controversial It's not a theory. It is real. These vaccines cause very real side effects and they're in four major categories. One is cardiovascular and cardio--heart inflammation myocarditis, cardiac arrest. Number two is neurologic, all forms of stroke, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, neuropathy. Number three: blood clotting like we've never seen in medicine before. Blood clots that don't respond to typical blood thinners that are just a disaster. And number four: immune system abnormalities.

In the final segment, McCullough discusses the link between excess vaccinations (he has had 67 over his life), autism and transgender ideology.

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Bernie Sanders 2.0 Attacks Cornel West and Bernie Sanders 1.0

Sabina Salvati ("Sabby Sabs Podcast"), speaking with Glenn Greenwald on System Update:

I think that what Bernie Sanders is doing to Cornel West is absolutely pathetic. I want people to understand what this is really about. Bernie Sanders is a tool of the Democratic Party. What they have done is they have taken someone who appeared to be outside the duopoly – because he's a registered independent – and they have used Bernie Sanders to basically usher people into the Democratic Party, pretending to be an outsider, pretending to be anti-establishment and rallying up a base of young people and working-class people and getting those people energized about a political revolution that Bernie Sanders knew was never going to happen through the Democratic Party. I want to be very clear about that. And then in turn, what Bernie Sanders is to do when they do not allow him to win and they won't allow him to win even in the future, is to take those supporters, that base, and to tell them to vote for the corporate establishment that he told them to fight back against.

Now you see Bernie Sanders attacking Cornel West. Cornel West has the guts to do what Bernie Sanders did not have the guts to do. Bernie Sanders says that this is to protect democracy but Bernie Sanders knows, even when it comes to his own presidential campaigns, there really wasn't a real democracy, at least one would not look through the Democratic Party because of the superdelegates. Bernie Sanders, to this day, doesn't really mention the DNC fraud lawsuit. He doesn't talk about the fact that DNC attorney Bruce Spiva argued that the DNC is a corporation. The judge ruled in that case that the DNC can select a candidate and does not owe you a fair election but Bernie Sanders doesn't mention this. Bernie Sanders is doing a press tour telling everybody how we have to protect democracy. So, you should not support Cornel West and you should support Joe Biden. Once again, he's telling you to support the corporate candidates that he told you to push back against and to fight against. So, what people have to understand is that Bernie Sanders is a tool of the Democratic Party to make you think that you are going to get progress, but to water it down and to prevent you from having any strong outside grassroots movement that is going to change the system.

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About Sasha Stone’s Podcast

This week, a friend introduced me to one of his favorite podcasts: "Sasha Stone's Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning."

I jumped right into Sasha' most current podcast, "The Mugshot Heard Round the World: Did the Democrats finally make a Trump voter?"" Sasha is intensely and creatively thoughtful and her non-partisan ideas will emotionally move for those of us who are not completely enraptured with one political tribe. Hence, the "Free Thinking" part of the title to her podcast.

Despite the paltry and insulting offerings to American voters year after year, the challenge is still to vote for the lesser of two evils, right? What is the lesser of two evils in 2024, at the point where the Democrats have repeatedly shat upon the rule of law, desperately embraced censorship and become louder cheerleaders for endless war than even the Republicans?

And will this be the year when black voters thoroughly reject the political party that has repeatedly taken them for granted, often in insulting ways? I'm speaking of the Democrats. I'm basing this question on several conversations I've recently had over the past month, but Sasha also sees a wider trend based on her own research.  And I don't think that most loyal democrats have the faintest inkling that these tectonic plates are dramatically shifting.

In this single episode, Sasha repeatedly challenged me, forcing me to reframe some of my long-held ideas. I immediately became a subscriber. I invite you to listen if you are looking to be challenged.

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