The Biggest Hazard of Exposing Massive DC Corruption
The elephant in the room. Disheartening but not surprising to hear these thoughts by Burchett and Musk.
The elephant in the room. Disheartening but not surprising to hear these thoughts by Burchett and Musk.
"Data Republican" has been on fire, drawing connections between the federal government and many questionable organizations. She is reporting more stunning information every few hours, it seems. This is her most recent interview. Note: she communicates through sign language and an interpreter. Learn about her stunning revelations of bi-partisan corruption in Congress, as noted in "Chief Nerd's" post. She is exposing both corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans.
I'm trying to make sense of who has been in charge of the many trends that are damaging our country (e.g. open borders, constant war, regime-change operations, health care totalitarianism & bureaucratic fraud). I suspect the power structure, if not this, it is something like what you see in this chart, in that most elected national officials are pawns. They have bosses above them. They don't see We the People as their clients. They see us as threats to their ideology and their job security. You can often hear them saying these things out loud (e.g., at the WEF).
Their #1 job is to censor and propagandize us by funding and controlling legacy news so that we believe that national elections still matter. A free and open internet, where we can exchange ideas with each other, is their #1 threat. If all of this sounds bizarre or conspiratorial to you, it's because you have limited your information diet to legacy news outlets, which have been controlled for years, through various government-funded carrots and sticks administered by so-called NGOs that are funded with your tax dollars by the likes of USAID, CEPPS and INTERNEWS.
There’s basically 2 parties within the Democrat party - one focused on divisions based on race/gender/sexuality, another focused on divisions based on wealth. And both try to paper over their internal tensions by hurling histrionics at Trump for supporting policies that many of their own voters secretly agree with.
Stunning information from Mike Benz, being interviewed by Joe Rogan. It was a long detailed interview that is extremely important for everyone to read. This is shocking, but we all knew that there was coordination in all of the "news outlets that have been marching in lockstep for the past five years to stamp out dissent, including stamping out true information that the government found to be inconvenient. I transcribed the portion of the interview provided in the following Tweet by KanekoaTheGreat. See below.
Mike BenzOn Internews, I've been talking about it for a long time, but now the stage is set to really show the extent of this. What we do is we create these pretty little predicates, these pretty little lie words, weasel words, to hide from the American people, and especially from foreign governments what we're really doing in the area. So we have a catchphrase at State and in state craft. It's called "independent media." You can think of that as the State Department's word for a good guy. Okay, doesn't mean independent. They are funded by us. They are not independent from the government. They literally submit their work and approval plans for their work plans, for what their cover, for review and approval to the US State Department. They are dog walked the whole way. But we call them independent because they are said to be independent from foreign governments who influence.
So basically, they're independent from the Chinese government, or they're independent from the Russian government. So there's just like with the word USAID itself that we talked about last time, it's your mind playing tricks on you. You're seeing "aid," but it's Agency for International Development. They do the same thing with independent media, which is that, internally to them, it means it's a good guy for us, because it's independent from our enemies, but when Americans see that, they think, well, "independent" that means it's a free actor who's not being sponsored by any government. But under the banner of USAID's independent media and media sustainability branches, we fund half a billion dollars a year to this network of, again, over 4000 media outlets. It reaches 778 million people, 9000 journalists "trained." Remember last time we went over the training? The Atlantic Council with seven CIA directors and annual funding from USAID as well as the State Department and pentagon, how they were holding up "I call BS" placards and putting Trump tweets on screen to flag for disinformation? If you remember, we went over that. Well, this is what training journalists looks like. Not only do they have the direct spawn of media octopus under their direct sub-grantee group, but they then go out and train the journalists who work at all the other ones who aren't directly sponsored. So they reach everywhere. And you'll see here, for example, it makes reference to to Jean Bourgault, who is making a half million dollars a year there. . . This has been going viral on X. I've been talking about USAID's role in the censorship industry forever. And if you look up, if you just look up "Internews," and you just plug in the name, you know, if you just copy paste that, you know, "Jean Bourgault" phrase, you'll see this in the video section, because it's everywhere now. She made speeches for a long time.
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