Noah Bonn has written a succinct summary of the five "most corrupt" industries: Banking, Energy, Agriculture/Biotech, Media and Healthcare. Fair enough. These are five deserving nominations.
Rather than focus on his nominations, though, I focused on Bonn's "solutions." Though they aren't complete solutions, they are mostly good ideas: Credit unions, renewable energy, local food, independent media, and "naturopaths and homeopaths." What? I've written before on the huge problems with homeopaths. But that still leaves a vaccuum. What is the solution to our out of control health care system? I'd look long and hard at the solutions proposed by the recent Time article titled "Bitter Pill."
I agree with many of Bonn's proposals, but I do think that the problem with this slippage into homeopathy is typical with many proposed "solutions" that fall short: they are caused by the lack of even-handed skepticism. America is a huge collection of overlapping tribes, and we need to put the magnifying glass onto those people we want to like as well as those we've written off. In fact, I believe this need for equal opportunity skepticism, is America's biggest need. In short, many of our problems arise from the confirmation bias.