AOC and the Rest of the Squad Fail to Say No to High Risk High Expense War

Why would a person who ran as a anti-war progressive vote for massive military expenditures in a far corner of the world, a war with no benefit to Americans? Why, indeed? Their votes are in lockstep with almost every Democrat and Republican Glenn Greenwald.

As Carlson points out, Twitter user Samirah had it right in 2018 when she wrote:

How long will we be moaning on and on about single-payer while there's bipartisan support for nuclear Armageddon?

In the video, note the "rude" protest by two of AOC's constituents, who she betrayed.

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Hillary Clinton and the Alpha Bank “Scandal”: A New Mashup by Matt Ofalea

For me, one of the most disturbing stories over the past five years is how cheerleading news outlets have gotten things so wrong so often. Here is Matt Orfalea's latest mashup, featuring the Trump "Alpha Bank" scandal. This is not a scandal about Trump (a despicable human in my opinion), but a scandal concerning the Clinton campaign and our "news" industry.

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