All the President’s News Media

This is abhorrent. A national embarrassment. Having news media that is not adversarial to the ruling political elite is like having plumbers who prefer leaky pipes. There is nothing more fundamental for a news reporter than to be skeptical and curious. The best reporters in years past were relentlessly driven forward by the idea that powerful people constantly lie for their own personal gain.

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Joe Biden Continues to Refuse Secret Service Protection to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

I posted on this topic about a week ago but I'm posting again because the behavior of the Biden White House is despicable. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s father and uncle were assassinated. RFK, Jr. was almost murdered last week. Presidents have always granted Secret service protection to opposing candidate, who requested it, until now. I'm to the point where there is no innocent explanation for the behavior of the White House. Please watch this short video. Don't skip over the beginning where Gavin de Becker describes his noteworthy credentials.

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Corporate News Narrative: Not Enough Evidence to Even Investigate Joe Biden for Corruption

The Left-Leaning Corporate news on (the Associated Press in this example) serves the DNC well. In this example, the AP claims there no evidence justifying an investigation of Joe Biden for corruption. In his Tweet, Greg Price offers a succinct summary of the evidence we already know. The AP cannot bear to acknowledge any of this, however.  The rule for the progressive-leaning media is this: The answer is Joe Biden. Everything else is reverse engineering.

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RFK, Jr. Threatened with Assassination: Biden Refuses to Offer Secret Service Protection. Corporate “News” Silent

As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. states: "I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection."

As a whole, the comment thread to this Tweet by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. expresses my personal outrage. What causes me to be angry? The fact that someone tried to assassinate RFK, Jr.? No, most of my outrage is provoked by powerful unnamed people who have decided that RFK, Jr. does not deserve Secret Service Protection. IMO, Joe Biden is not calling the shots. He is merely the skeletal outline of someone who serves as the mascot for the people who pull the levers of power, those who have decided that RFK, Jr. is a political threat to re-electing Joe Biden and thus expendable. The fact that RFK,Jr's uncle and father were both assassinated, makes this lack of Secret Service protection surreal. The other cause for my anger is that a serious candidate for U.S. President has been threatened with murder, yet the corporate "news" media is completely silent. As of Sept 16, 2023 12:30 pm CT, none of the following "news" outlets have reported anything about this incident: NYT, WaPo, NPR, CNN or MSNBC. This is clearly a coordinated effort.

As with much of the flow of information these days, Joe Biden is the answer and everything else is reverse engineering.

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What Ails the United States

IMO, RFK Jr's diagnosis of what ails the US is spot on. I hope to hell we, as a country, somehow figure out a cure. And for those who aren't aware, the DNC is pulling out every trick in the book to make the primary meaningless in order to pre-ordain Biden as the winner. Further, the DNC has publicly stated in court filings that when it comes to the nominee, the DNC doesn't give a shit about the opinions of voters.


Our nation's most serious problems come from as a single source of entrenched corporate, political elite. Government agencies, Congress, the defense industry, Wall Street, the media, big tech, Big Pharma, Big Ag, and pretty much big everything have a death grip on our democracy. And there's only one thing that can break that grip. And now it's not me, is you, the people. It's a populist movement, a unites left and right black and white, rural and urban, young and old. We can't just wait around for the Washington establishment to change their minds. We can't expect Wall Street to stop strip mining the middle class of its equity and as well, we can't expect the military industrial complex to promote peace, or the censorship big tech complex to promote freedom or freedom of speech. We need to do it ourselves. We have to take back power in this country for the people. Let me add one more item to the list of entrenched institutions, the Democratic National Committee, and an honest primary the candidate with the most votes would be the nominee, right. But the DNC has imposed elegant roles and make it nearly impossible for an insurgent candidate to win. It has totally rigged the system very early on. [Video of Jamie Harris of the DNC]: "Back in February, we passed a resolution unanimously within the DNC that we are all riding with Biden and Kamala Harris."

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