How much money have we spent to fight the so-called “war” in Iraq?

A new book review gives us the depressing and infuriating answers to how much the Iraq adventure is costing the citizens of the United States.   The book, written by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes, is titled "The Three Trillion Dollar War:  The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict."   In…

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The precise anatomy of the modern Republican brain.

I've spent a lot of time studying Republican political anatomy.   You see, I'm not only an armchair anthropologist, but I'm a social neuro-surgeon (a brand-new expertise, created today).   After careful review of all available relevant data, I have developed a precise chart (click on the thumbnail below) detailing each of…

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Who is paying uninterested people to tie up seats for FCC hearings on Net Neutrality?

Was it Comcast?  Whoever it was, this tactic is disgusting. There was huge turnout at [the Feb 25] public hearing in Boston on the future of the Internet. Hundreds of concerned citizens arrived to speak out on the importance of an open Internet. Many took the day off from work…

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Who are the Congressional elite?

According to this article in Harpers, the Congressional elite include most of the members of Congress.   Consider this, for example: Since 2005, at just ten of D.C.'s priciest restaurants, House membvers have spent more than $5.4 million of political funds. The title to the article is "Beltway bacchanal: Congress lives…

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Smear job on John McCain unjustified, unless…

It appears that John McCain has put himself into situations suggesting that he had an sexual affair with a 40-year-old female lobbyist.  This politically devastating information can't possibly be relevant to the current presidential campaign, unless... Unless McCain has long-supported a political party that has consciously decided to make sexual…

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