“Thanks, but no thanks for that bridge to nowhere” Palin keeps saying.

Chris Matthews is now driving the point home:  Sarah Palin is a pathological liar.   She fully supported the bridge to nowhere, but here she is, seven times, claiming she didn't support it. BTW, Sarah Palin claims to be quite religious. See her performance at her church here.  She believes in…

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That connection between disgust and morality – John McCain clearly crosses the line

I've written previously about that penchant of many conservatives to base their moral sense on visceral disgust.  As psychologist Jonathan Haidt has demonstrated, this connection is much more readily made by conservatives than by progressives (also, see here). It is in that context that I must confess that I felt…

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Sarah Palin bets that no one will notice that she tells huge lies

Sarah Palin is betting that no one will notice that she is telling huge lies, including the lie that she was opposed to the bridge to nowhere.   Here's video evidence that she has lied: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieuA7nAOBXQ&eurl=http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/[/youtube] Update:  Keith Olbermann asked Barack Obama was asked how Obama would be countering these untruths. …

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Andrew Sullivan sums up Palin – it’s really about McCain

Andrew Sullivan concludes that the choice of Palin should focus us sharply on McCain's poor judgment: To my mind, this pick is not about Palin's unreadiness to be president. It's about McCain's unreadiness to be president. This act of judgment - a blend of ignorance, gut, cynicism, and pure egotism…

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